I am 13, i like him. wanna flirt with him. XD plz help i just stare at him.How to flirt with this boy????????
Go up and give him a biiig hug! :D
hahah personally I don't like flirty, it makes girls look like they try too hard, just be yourself! ^^
Everything will work out in the end! :DHow to flirt with this boy????????
Try some funny jokes
do stuff that will make him laugh and sit next to him
ew, lady gaga? I wouldn't date ya
DO NOT STARE!!! That's creepy. When you make eye contact, make it intense and smile but only maintain contact for 2 seconds then look away. Play with your hair, dress better than normal, touch him on the shoulder, brush up against him in the hallway, laugh at his jokes, put time into making your hair really pretty... all these things will make him notice you.
you just stare at him lol dont do that he might think its creepy just talk to him
Ask him questions about anything. His clothes, what he likes, if he has pets, their names, if he has brothers, sisters, %26amp;c. You can just come up with a hundred questions sooooo easy... just walk up and say ';Hey, I like that hat! Where did you get it? Are you a big Nike fan?';
Just start talking and your nervous energy will make the flirting easy and he will catch on.
Your 13 your still young be young while you can boys are to much drama. But if you want to just be yourself, make him laugh and compliment him
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Don't need to really flirt, just talk to him, become his friend, when you're young like that, flirting isn't crucial at all. All you need to do it become his friend, show some clevage if you really need to, cause hell, we all know even at the age of 13 girls like to flaunt their features. i'm 14. I get them boys. :D
Just become his friend, then when you get close enough as friend, just ask him out.. be like ';i like you'; and then just ask him out. :) easy as pi.
first off how about umm...STOP! you're 13 you should be playing dolls at home. what about your family and parents? they wouldn't like this. i suggest you stop this immediately and go play some gta 4 and snack.
smile :D
be yourself
dont give him the signal that you ALWAYS NEED attention or something.
Give him compliments on things he does very well. Ask him does he have a girlfriend or is he interested in anyone. You definitely dont want to flirt with someone who already has a girlfriend lol. Find out his interests and hopefully they are some of yours too. If not then find out some information on those things so you will have something to talk about when you talk to him. Just be yourself. Laugh and smile :)
First of all, you're thirteen, I personally think you're a little young to be so concerned with a dude.
But I'll help you out. I'm 16 and I've been dealing with this type of thing a little longer than you have.
First thing, DON'T STARE. Guys find that a bit on the creepy side. Another thing, don't make yourself so obvious. Unless this guy's an idiot, he's not going to like a girl that he knows is desperate. Just be subtle, and be yourself.
k if you just wanna stare at him, then try the flirty glance. it's the simplest way to flirt with a guy you've never even talked to. just look at them but don't stare (that's to stalkerish) and if they catch you looking at them, don't look up or to the side cuz that gives the wrong message. Look down with a smile on your face or hold his glance for no longer than 3 seconds and then look down. cute, simple and flirty:]
if you wanna talk to him, start off with an open ended question. if you ask a yes or no question, well, that leaves no room for further conversation. if you know he plays football ask something like, ';you play football right? what position do you play?'; or ';my dad is trying to get me into the football scene but i have no idea what he means with all that sports talk - what's a running back?'; that way you're addressing his interests and showing him you're interested and are trying to learn more about him and stuff he likes. but like i said, never ask a yes or no question - it screams ';FAIL!';
don't come right out and tell him or any of his friends you like him. that could turn chaotic. take it easy but take it flirty:] a good flirt is confident and not afraid to take risks so keep that in mind.
another way to start a conversation is to ask him to help you with something. a guy would love to be your hero, just for a second. it makes him feel important. and when you're talking, listen more than you speak. if you only talk about you then you are going to but off a vibe that says ';i'm conceited and i think what i say is more important than what you say'; even if you don't mean it like that.
smile is contagious so smile a lot!! smile at him in the school halls, smile when you're talking to him, smile when you're looking at him. :]
good luck and think of it this way, have fun - what's there to lose?!
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