Thursday, October 21, 2010

How do i flirt with boys, without saying to much or giving him the wrong idea?

I've been homeschooled all my life now that i am out in the real world i don't know just quite how to socolize with guys. how do i do it.please i will appreciate anything.How do i flirt with boys, without saying to much or giving him the wrong idea?

-laugh at his jokes

-make eye contact

-but dont stare like creepy stare.

-ask about him

-dont be like me me me. be like him him him.

-ask him about stuff he's interested in

-have a wingman/woman

-pretend he's a girl and just be comfortable

hope that helped [:

xoxo Sally.How do i flirt with boys, without saying to much or giving him the wrong idea?
Lol work ur way up datz all i gotsta say
try 2 make eye contact with him. when both of your eyes meet give him a smile n see what happens.
If ur a cute girl, dress cute, etc., you won't have to do much of anything. The boys will come to you. Always just be friendly and nice, never mean. Treat them like a brother. If you start to really like one....and want him to know...complement him on his hair, clothes or something. It doesn't take much, guys read into ALMOST anything!
Stand/sit a little closer than you would normally. Laugh a little more, smile when he's around so he see's you at your best. If it's a guy you don't know, be in his line of vision so he sees you around. You don't have to be fake, but just make sure he knows who you are. I like to think that if a guy is interested he will make the move if you give him opportunity. If he doesn't he's not that interested.

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