Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How to flirt with a boy?

2 years ago I liked this boy...and I thought he liked me, but him and his cousin was just leading me on, and now I've been scared to ask a boy out.So how do you flirt?How to flirt with a boy?
i flip my hair back, talk about football ( he play hs football), and do a smirky smile when he looks @ me. i always rub my lips 2gether to make him look at them and compliment his truck ( he likes that) and wear jeans w/ holes in them to make him see my legs and want more. i make it seem like i dont want to be around him and so when i am hes super sweet, and wants more of me. hope it helpsHow to flirt with a boy?
well give him complements and try to talk to him even if they don't go good, bump into him in the hallway but lightly. smile at him and laugh at his jokes even when there not funny wear soft scent perfume and always try to be happy with him.
Laugh when he thinks he said something funny. Smile. ask him about himself. Compliment him. Pretty much emotionally bribe them.
always talk to him

hold his hand while talking to him.

When you meet, give him a smack on his cheek, same as with saying goodbye

cuddle him.

idk sry
have sex with him

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